Mexico City Original Textile Trip-November 2025
We will be visiting Mexico City's premier textile and handmade event, Original, from November 12-16, 2025, guided and curated by Heritage by Hand founder, Heidi McKinnon.
The program fee includes transportation to and from events, a translator if needed during the Original Market so we can all follow our interests, speaking fees for artists who will visit with us or studio tours that we may do.
Participants will cover their own travel and lodging costs, all meals, and transfer to and from the airport.
You will arrive on the afternoon of Wednesday, November 12th, and our itinerary will begin that evening. A list of apartments in Parque Mexico will be provided so all participants are in the same location. There are add-ons that can be arranged for other activities during our afternoon break. Details will be mailed to participants separately.
We will have some flexibility in our routine to take advantage of opportunities that arise, however the daily schedule will follow a basic structure. There will be a decent, but not overly taxing, amount of walking, and participants should be aware of that.
Please write for detailed itinerary.
Mexico City Only: $1,050 (Deposit $500)
Puebla and Hueyapan Extension: $1,550 (Deposit $750)
Final Payments Due September 30th. A link will be sent via email.
Optional Extension to Puebla, Sunday November 16-Wednesday, November 19th
Depart Monday, November 17th (CDMX only) or Thursday, November 20th with Extension
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