Mayan Hands Felted Wool Giraffe ¥0 ¥149.00 Home Collections Mayan Hands Felted Wool Giraffe ¥0 ¥149.00 Handmade felted animals made in Sololá, Guatemala by Mayan artisans. Each tag carries the name of the artist. Teal with Red Dots - ¥149.00 Purple with Yellow Dots - ¥149.00 Orange with Blue Dots - ¥149.00 Blue with Orange Dots - ¥149.00 Yellow with Purple Dots - ¥149.00 Size Teal with Red Dots Purple with Yellow Dots Orange with Blue Dots Blue with Orange Dots Yellow with Purple Dots Size Teal with Red Dots Purple with Yellow Dots Orange with Blue Dots Blue with Orange Dots Yellow with Purple Dots Quantity Out of stock 更多支付选项 此商品为定期购买或延迟购买。继续操作即表示我同意取消政策并授权贵方按本页所列价格、频率和日期通过我的付款方式扣费,直到我的订单已发货或我取消该购买(如允许)为止。 提醒我Powered byNotify Me!Opens in a new window Your cart is empty Continue shopping Successfully added to cart! View cart Checkout Select options